Sunday 25 August 2013

Definitions by Thoughts

COURAGE is walking into a room full of unknown people and the only one who knows you are scared to death are you.

INSTINCT is when you have a bird’s eye view and the rest are busy adjusting their lens.

TRUTH is what you tell yourself when no one else is around

FEAR is a question we don’t want the answer to

HAPPINESS is the moment where time and the world stands still

LOVE is when you’ve unlocked your heart and given him the master copy.

TRUST is when you say yes before hearing the other.

HATRED is feeding your ego and starving your intelligence

RESPECT is offering courtesy to others

STRENGTH is having your mind on a leash

FAILURE is when you try to please everyone

ENVY is examining another through a microscope and getting an ulcer in the process.

SUCCESS is your personal secret

ADVICE is an insurance policy for something you already know

INTELLIGENCE is a mental orgasm

BEAUTY is everywhere

CONFIDENCE is a strategic combination of patience and risk.

UNCERTAINTY is standing in an elevator blocking the doors from re closing

FREEDOM is waking up in the morning and not looking at the mirror on the wall but at the mirror in your soul

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