Tuesday 23 July 2013

Thoughts Tip-Offs

  1. Your mum is always right, well almost always!
  2. Take a sneaky moment to dream when your eyes are open
  3. Drink lots and lots of water
  4. When you are angry, walk away and lock yourself in the loo. Then scream and shout, and take it all out!
  5. If you don't like who you are looking at, read a book instead
  6. If you are scared you will say the wrong thing, quickly drink a glass of water
  7. If you don't like what they are saying, turn up your music
  8. When in doubt, leave it and sleep on it
  9. Work hard but play just as hard
  10. Patience is a virtue...actually it's a super power so acquire it from the right super hero
  11. Your body is strong but only because your mind controls it
  12. Sometimes chocolate REALLY is the answer 
  13. Be you, throw the fakes away
  14. Love more than your lover, it's the best investment
  15. Help someone everyday, the next best investment
  16. Travel and meet people from all walks of life, you might learn something new
  17. Tomorrow will be a better day
  18. Stay in touch with your old friends, they helped you become a part of who you are today
  19. Take a few risks and always carry tissues
  20. Earn your respect, don't demand it
  21. Eat something raw and something cooked in every meal
  22. Throw away what's in your way
  23. Speak to a child and get their perspective
  24. It's totally fine if at times you follow a vibe or sign
  25. Be mindful, be thankful
  26. Always wear perfume and your best smile
  27. Wake up, dress up and show up - buckle up
  28. Pray
  29. Walk in your shoes but look at other footprints too
  30. I've said enough.. give me the 30th tip :)

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