Friday, 22 June 2012

Run away or run towards

I always think yesterday will turn into today and tomorrow will come after that, the common factor in all these transitions is movement. You must keep moving no matter what. Your destination is undetermined but confirmed, if and only you are moving. Keep running and you will see.

I heard about Tathapi from a good friend only recently. She explained about the charity briefly, but what she was most excited and yet anxious about was the fact that she was going to run 10 km for this cause. I took this personally as a big compliment from her, probably because I am a runner and tell her endless stories about my experiences whilst running. Knowing that she had decided to take the leap herself truly made my day. Added to the fact that she was supporting a most noble cause, I admired more the way in which she had embarked upon a journey which involved sacrifice, discipline and above all commitment. Running is not an easy affair, especially when you come from a non sports background. I identify completely with her trials and training moments, as I too went through these three years ago.

Running for me serves two purposes, both very different and yet depending on your frame of mind, can fulfil either goal. I believe running allows you to run away or run towards a situation you either fear or love. It is a constant motion of the body which not only detoxifies you in the physical sense but also cleanses your mind by providing clarity and answers for many questions we can often not answer when standing still. I receive inspiration whilst running and feel free from the bounding chains of everyday life. Seconds, minutes and sometimes hours can become eternal and often insignificant, but when running it’s not about defeating time, it’s about the value of time which we appreciate. Those same seconds or minutes can be crucial towards a “personal best!”

I am proud of my friend because she has accepted a challenge and in her own mind has confronted those fears by training hard, felt the pain and also savoured the glory.

I am going to run for Tathapi too, but in my heart I am running for my friend and although we won’t be running side by side, I know her shadow will accompany me on Sunday morning.

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