Saturday, 24 March 2012


Rays of warmth penetrate the ground
Beams of majestic light
Commanding presence
I'm here, it's my right
Sun light

They hum a tune
Dance in the wind
I see them grin
Blooming flowers
Happy petals

Warm gentle winds
Clear skies
Budding dafs, buzzing bees
Itchy eyes... and a few sighs

Picnics in the park
It's no longer dark
Lovers stretching out
Under the dormant trees
Their love awakes
So do the trees

The birth of nature
A true adventure
All is new
The earth bears a special hue

Drip drop rain
Rat a tat tat on my window pane
Musky green
The air smells clean

Children playing all around
No longer homebound
Balls and bicycles
Slides and swings
It's finally Spring


Chanakya said...

A cheerful description of Spring, that makes you believe the positivity and colorfulness that it brings !

pamc40 said...

just read this ! we are heading towards autumn & winter, and your depiction of Spring brings a smile to my face. Each season is special and beautiful in its own way, even the dark rainy days of winter have a certain beauty.
it is usually said 'a picture is worth a thousand words' but in this case, i would say, your words paint a beautiful picture !!