Peeling skin exfoliates off my golden tan
Flip flops hanging in the bathroom begging for some feet
Cardigan appears adorning the dining room chair
Flannel shirts make way to the laundry basket
A heavy humid air fights against opposing territories of light and rain
Air conditioning pauses against fluctuating highs and lows
Soups and salads shamelessly tease and flirt with each other
The Caribbean anklet no longer revealing its charms, blanketed away by a cotton sock
Slow coffee, slow music, slow traffic,
sliding towards a faster week on the bend
One last ice cream under a gloomy sky, hiding a timid sun
A new season is looming close
Bitter sweet expressions stare out at the burgundy mellows
Summer I will miss your warm slow love
Fall, you are such a weather-cock
Be gentle on me
Spare me your mosaic mood swings
October bitter mornings
And all the surprises that Fall brings ...